Peace Harbor Home Health NPI

Peace harbor home health is a high-quality healthcare provider that provides services at the comfort of patients’ homes. In the field of home health care, peace harbor plays a major role in improving the physical and mental health of the patient. It is mandatory for every healthcare institution to have a national provider National Provider Identification Number (NPI), which identifies them as a service provider. Peace harbor home health’s NPI number validates their legal entity and authorization to provide services. This article will discuss NPI and its importance in peace harbor home health step by step.

Services at Peace Harbor Home Health

Peace harbor home health primarily ensures the physical and mental well-being of patients through in-home services. These include:

Personal Care: Assistance with daily tasks such as bathing, feeding, dressing.

Physical Therapy: Providing various therapies to increase the patient’s ability to move and perform daily activities.

Health Monitoring: Regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar and other physical indicators.

Introduction to NPI

The National Provider Identification Number (NPI) is a unique number used to identify each healthcare provider. Peach harbor home health’s NPI number ensures the legitimacy and transparency of their service delivery. The NPI number is helpful in connecting with health insurance companies, government agencies, and other healthcare providers.

Why NPI Number is Important

The NPI number serves as an important identifier in healthcare delivery. This helps peace harbor home health easily communicate with other organizations in the healthcare field and simplify the patient insurance claim process. In addition, this number authorizes peace harbor to provide services under federal and other insurance programs.

Insurance Company and NPI Connection

Insurance companies use the NPI number to pay for peace harbor home health services. This number is linked to the patient’s medical insurance to validate the service and help settle insurance claims quickly.

Transparency and Information Sharing

The use of NPI numbers facilitates the sharing of information between healthcare institutions. There is an easy flow of information between patients and physicians when receiving services at peace harbor home health, making the healthcare process more efficient.


Peace harbor home health is known as a quality home health care organization. Its NPI number confirms the legal validity and quality of services provided by the organization. By using NPI numbers in health insurance and other process, peace harbor is able to provide patients with fast and reliable services, which improves the quality of life of patients.

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