Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI

Joseph white is a mental health counselor in Virginia who provides medical care through his NPI (National provider identifier) number. NPI is a unique identification number, assigned to healthcare providers and used as proof of their identity and work. Joseph white provides mental health services under its NPI number and is instrumental in improving the transparency and efficiency of the healthcare system. In this article we will discuss joseph White NPI and its services in detail.

What is NPI and why is it important

NPI (National Provider Identifier) is a unique identification number assigned to healthcare providers. It helps identify healthcare providers and track services provided by them. Mental health counselors like joseph white register healthcare using an NPI number, which proves their professional integrity and legitimacy.

Joseph white’s NPI and professional introduction joseph white is a registered mental health counselor in Virginia who provides a variety of health care services through his NPI number. His NPI number validates him as a healthcare provider and ensures transparency in his professional work. Using this number, he provides various mental health services and ensures quality treatment for patients.

Benefits of Using NPI Number

Joseph white can transact with various insurance companies and healthcare institutions through his NPI number. This helps expand his professional network and creates more service opportunities for patients. The use of NPI maintains a safe and transparent relationship between patient and counselor, which helps to improve the quality of mental health services.

Future Service Expansion

Joseph white is willing to pursue a more innovative approach to expanding his mental health services. He plans to use his NPI number to provide more advanced health care technology and services, which could improve Virginia’s mental health system.


Joseph white continues to play an important role in mental health services in Virginia through his NPI number. His services are instrumental in ensuring mental well-being for patients and his NPI number gives him legitimacy and professional transparency.

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