Five Stages of Recovery Mental Health

Recovery of mental health is a complex and long-term process dependent on individual experiences and mental, emotional and physical reconstruction. Through this process a person recovers form mental illness, regains meaningful activities in life and is able to establish control over his life the five stages of mental health recovery Moratorium, Awareness, Preparation, Rebuilding, and Growth help people move toward wellness. In this article, each step will be discussed in detail and how these steps are helpful in restoring mental health.

Awareness (Moratorium)

The awareness phase is the initial phase of mental health recovery, which usually begins with a crisis. At this stage a person usually sees no possibility of relief from the effects of depression, anxiety, or mental illness. They are going through a dark time and have almost no control over their lives. The biggest challenge at this stage is not understanding the situation properly and denying the problem.

Psychological Effects

At this stage the person can often be emotionally detached and emotionless. They begin to believe that they will never recover and that their life will remain this way forever. This stage is the most emotionally challenging and frustrating, as from here on they often feel completely helpless.

Support Needed

The role of family, friends, and professional therapists is crucial in this step. They can support the person with empathy and convince them that recovery form their current situation is possible. They need to understand that this stage is temporary and can be overcome.


The realization stage is the first time the individual realizes the true cause of their emotional problems and the possibility of relief form them. They become aware of their problems and see a new hope for themselves. This step is an important step towards recovery, as this is where they realize they need help and can take steps to recover.

Self-realization and Change of Mind

This step is important for changing mental patterns. Individuals find inner strength and courage to fight their mental condition. They begin to realize that mental illness is curable and that wellness is possible. This realization helps them change their outlook on life and helps them to develop a positive attitude in the recovery process.

Steps Taken

Now individuals become more aware of every aspect of their lives and realize that they need to take proactive steps to rebuild their lives. At this stage, they realize the importance of seeking help and begin to prepare to work with mental health professionals.


The preparation phase is an active phase in a person’s life on the road to recovery. Here the person is ready to take positive action and they start taking various strategies and steps to improve mental health. This step is an important part of the recovery process, as it mainly occurs through the active participation of the individual.

Wellness Strategy

In this phase, the individual begins to develop various strategies and healthy habits to improve mental health. They began participating in regular therapy, meditation, and physical exercise, which had positive effects on mental health. They begin to learn new strategies to cope with emotional problems and try to control their emotions and behavior.

Changes in Internal Attitudes

At this stage the inner attitude of the person changes a lot. They start to think positively about life and focus on preparing themselves to get rid of mental illness. At this point, they are eager to take positive action and find the support and tools they need to recover.

Support and Guidance

At this stage, a therapist or mental health professional can provide the person with the guidance and support they need. They help the person mentally prepare and develop a strategic plan for recovery. Without their help, this step can be difficult to overcome.


The reconstruction phase is an important step in the recovery of mental health where the individual beings to actively work to rebuild his life. They begin to reshape their lives through positive action and strive to improve mental health, relationships, and work. This step is a big step on the road to mental health.

Developing new Habits

In this phase, the individual begins to develop new and healthy habits. They try to change the daily routine and work on improving mental and physical health. Such as having therapy at a certain time each day, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. They become aware of their goals and purpose in life and start working accordingly.

Rebuilding Relationships

Also, they begin to work on their relationships and develop new relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Reconnecting with society is an important step in their recovery. During this time, they begin to return to their social and professional lives and find emotional well-being through social interaction.

Reinventing Yourself

The rebuilding phase is the phase of regaining self-confidence and preparing for a new life. They begin to realize that their mental problems are not a permanent obstacle, but a temporary condition. They find new purpose in life and work towards mental wellness.


The growth phase is the final phase of recovery. By coming to this stage the person is not only freed from mental problems, but also takes a new outlook on life. They become completely mentally healthy and are able to improve in every aspect of life. In the growth phase individuals move forward with new understandings and goals in life and are able to sustain their mental health.

New Outlook on Life

This phase is the time to adopt a new perspective on life. On e begins to think afresh about every aspect of life in the light of new understanding. They learn from past life emotional problems and use that experience to make themselves stronger for the future.

Improvement is Social and Professional Life

The growth phase given them an opportunity to improve in their social and professional life. They start working on new goals and strive to improve their professional and personal lives. They embrace new experiences and establish themselves well in every sphere of life.

Mental Health Throughout Life

In this phase, they not only get rid of mental illness, but strive to maintain mental well-being. They strive to maintain their mental and emotional well-being and are interested in helping others. At this stage they become mentally stable enough to offer emotional support to others.


Recovery of mental health is a time-consuming process, which is accomplished through five stages. Through each stage the person gradually moves towards mental well-being and taken on a new outlook on life. Each step, from awareness to growth, is crucial to becoming mentally healthy. Through these stages one is a not only freed from mental problems, but also develops anew in every aspect of life and is able to live a full and meaningful life.

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