Andrew Smith Mental Health Counselor California NPI Number

Andrew Smith Mental Health Counselor California NPI Number Andrew smith works as a mental health counselor in California. He provides expert advice on mental health complications and promoting mental well-being. His NPI (National Provider Identifier) number is a unique identification number issued by the federal government to health care providers. Patients can easily collect information about healthcare providers using the NPI number. In this article we will learn step by step about Andrew smith’s mental health counseling career, his services and the importance of his NPI number.

Professional Profile of Andrew Smith

Andrew smith is a licensed mental health counselor. He offers counseling for various mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship complications, and recovery from trauma. The main goal of his work is to improve the mental health of patients and restore normalcy to their personal and social lives. He works in various regions of California and works with his clients on a basis of deep empathy and support.

His Services and Area of Work

Andrew smith offers a variety of therapy and counseling services. Some of the notable services include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Through which patients learn to change negative thoughts and behaviors.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): It is mainly used for emotional regulation and relationship improvement.

Trauma-focused Counseling: Specialized counseling is provided to help the patient recover from past trauma.

Importance of NPI Number

Andrew smith’s NPI number is proof of his professional identity and reliability. The NPI number is required by every health care provider, which identifies them and helps establish relationships with health insurance and other organizations. Patients can verify his qualifications and license through this number, which is important for patient confidence.

How NPI Number Works

The NPI number is administered by the US national plan and provider enumeration system (NPPES). It is a 10 digit unique identification number reserved for professionals like Andrew smith. When patient choose their healthcare provider, they can use this number to get detailed information about the provider’s standards and qualifications. Besides, it is also very important for insurance companies and other healthcare organizations.


Andrew smith is a trusted professional in mental health services in California. With his NPI number, he has been able to instill more transparency and trust in mental health care for patients. Mental health counselors like her are constantly working to improve the quality of life for patients, and identification systems like the NPI number are an important step forward in the healthcare sector.

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