Bruce Martin Mental Health Counselor NPI Number

Bruce Martin Mental Health Counselor NPI Number is a dedicated mental health counselor known for his commitment to providing quality mental health care. With a focus on holistic approaches and evidence-based practices, he has made a significant impact in his community. The National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is an essential aspect of his professional identity, facilitating streamlined communication between healthcare providers and ensuring that patients receive the best care possible. This article will delve into the importance of the NPI number for mental health professionals, as well as how Bruce Martin utilizes this identifier in his practice.

What is an NPI Number?

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique identification number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. This 10-digit number is crucial for billing purposes, ensuring that providers can be easily identified in the healthcare system. bruce martin is a mental health counselor in washingon and can be reached at a phone number:







The Role of NPI in Mental Health Counseling

For mental health counselors like Bruce Martin, the NPI number allows for seamless integration into the healthcare ecosystem. It facilitates the processing of insurance claims, helps with patient records management, and ensures compliance with federal regulations.

How to Obtain an NPI Number

Visiting the NPPES website: The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) is the official site for NPI registration.

Filling out the application: Counselors must provide personal and professional information, including their practice specialty.

Receiving confirmation: Once approved, the NPI number is sent via email or postal service, allowing the counselor to use it immediately.

Benefits of Having an NPI Number

Improved Billing: Ensures that insurance claims are processed efficiently.

Enhanced Credibility: Establishes a counselor’s legitimacy within the healthcare community.

Better Patient Care: Allows for accurate tracking of patient records across different healthcare providers.

Maintaining NPI Compliance

Mental health counselors must keep their NPI information up to date. This includes:

Updating Personal Information: Changes in practice location, name, or specialty should be reported promptly.

Annual Verification: Providers should regularly verify their NPI status to ensure that all information is accurate.


Bruce Martin exemplifies the vital role that mental health counselors play in supporting their communities. The NPI number is more than just a numerical identifier; it represents a commitment to quality care, efficient practice management, and compliance with healthcare regulations. Understanding the importance of the NPI number can help patients and providers navigate the mental health landscape more effectively.

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