Susan Jones Mental Health Counselor Texas NPI Number

Susan jones is a mental health counselor based in Texas. He is plying an important role for mental health and emotional support. Mental health counseling is a profession where people get help with their mental problems and emotional development. Susan jones is registered with an NPI (National Provider Identifier) number, which is a unique identification number for every health care provider in the United States. In this article we will go into detail about the work of Susan Jones, the importance of the NPI number and how it is used.

Professional Identity of Susan Jones

Susan jones is an experienced mental health counsellor. She is dedicated to helping the mental health of Texas people throughout her career. Through her counseling skills and experience, she has been helping people facing various emotional challenges.

Susan helps her clients deal with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other emotional challenges. Through her services, clients achieve emotional well-being and improve their quality of life.

NPI Number and its Importance

NPI number are essential for health care providers in the United States. It is a unique identification number which is managed centrally. Susan Jones has an NPI number as she is a registered counsellor. This number makes him and his service easily identifiable. The NPI number is also used in the billing process of healthcare providers, which ensures transparency and reliability of medical care.

Susan Jones is a mental health counselor in Texas and can be reached at a phone number with an area code of 281. What is her NPI number?







Purpose of Use of NPI Number

Susan Jones NPI number is used to ensure her professional identity and transparency in the healthcare process. Providers can be easily tracked through the NPI number, and it simplifies healthcare costs and administrative processes. Clients can use this number to verify the reliability of their counselor.

How Does the NPI Number Work?

The NPI number works primarily through a centrally managed database. Registered counselors like Susan Jones enter their identity and work information into the NPI system. This number proves the health care provider’s legitimacy, which is an important part of the health care process.

Susan Jones’ Service and Future Plans

Susan Jones provides mental health services to the people of Texas and is working toward to goal of further developing her professional skills. He wants to contribute more to the development of mental health in the future and to improve the level of mental Well-being of the society through his services.


Susan Jones is a dedicated mental health counselor, whose work and services are valued in the health care system through her NPI number.

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