James Jackson Mental Health Counselor Florida NPI

James Jackson is an experienced mental health counselor in Florida who is registered under the National Provider Identifier (NPI) and plays an important role in solving people’s mental health problems. NPI is a unique identifier for health care providers that proves their eligibility to provide services in the US health care system. James Jackson provides personal therapy, counseling, and mental health problem solving through his expertise and compassionate attitude. In this article, we will discuss in detail about its functions, services and its role under NPI.

James Jackson Identity and Background

James Jackson is a trained and experienced mental health counselor serving the state of Florida. He is registered with an NPPI number, which establishes him as a valid and accredited mental health care provider. Her work includes providing specialized therapy on mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, relationship problems and trauma. His professional life and clinical experience make him a trusted and competent professional in this field.

NPI and its Importance

The NPI (National Provider Identifier) number is key part of the US healthcare system. It provides a unique identifier to each health care provider, ensuring their legitimacy in medical and mental health care. James Jackson’s NPI made him officially recognized and made his health care services more acceptable and accessible. For his services patients can easily confirm his identity through NPI and avail services.

Services and Expertise

James Jackson works on a variety of mental health issues. Its services include:

Marital and Family Counselling: Conducts special sessions to resolve relationship complications and family problems.

Personal Therapy: Deals with depression, anxiety, and persona trauma and helps clients improve quality of life.

Addiction Counseling: Providing counseling and therapy for drug addiction and other addiction problems.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This therapy works to change patients’ negative thoughts and behaviors.

Characteristics of His Therapy Method

Providing compassionate and customized therapy is the cornerstone of James Jackson’s counseling approach. He tailors therapy to each patient’s unique emotional state and needs. His empathetic attitude builds a strong rapport with the patients and plays an instrumental role in achieving their emotional well-being.

Community Service

James Jackson played an important role in raising mental health awareness in various communities in Florida. She conducts mental health workshops and seminars at local clinics and community centers. Her mission is to create awareness among people about mental health issues and the importance of getting the right help at the right time.

Future plans

James Jackson plans to expand his field of mental health care. Her goal is to provide mental health services to more people and bring them to wellness using new methods and therapies. In particular, he has undertaken various projects to work on the mental health of young people.


James Jackson is a dedicated mental health counselor working to improve the mental well-being of the people of Florida. His NPI registration established him as a legitimate and acceptable health care provider, enhancing the quality of his services. Her services and initiatives are supporting mental health awareness and the application of appropriate therapies in the Florida community, which has positively impacted the lives of many people.

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